Thursday, February 27, 2020

Compair 3 journal articals about WWII Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compair 3 journal articals about WWII - Essay Example rld War II† by Susan Smith in 2008, â€Å"Ethics and Airpower in WWII† by Phillip Mellinger in 1994, and â€Å"Moral Ambiguities of the Bombing of Monte Cassino† by Uwe Steenhoff in 2005. During World War II, 60,000 American soldiers were part of the Mustard Gas experiments performed by American Scientists (Smith, 2008).The reason was to prepare America’s troops for chemical warfare. One of the questions during the experimentation was whether or not there was a difference in reaction to mustard gas by different races. These scientists were every day ethical people, but they slipped into this method of experimentation. They felt that it was important in the service of their country. Soldiers felt it was their patriotic duty to participate though most were harassed into volunteering. The United States felt it needed the information to know how to react should the enemy use mustard gas and how to assure that the enemy died, should they have to use it (Smith, 2008). Veterans describe this as a horrible experience and felt that they were never warned about the level of suffering that could occur from this exposure (Smith, 2008). Mustard gas causes severe pain and these men suffered immediate eye and skin injury with blisters all over their bodies. The long term effects for many turned out to be cancer, asthma, emphysema, and blindness. Was this testing ethical? The British bombed many civilian sectors of Germany during World War II. Many great cities were bombed. There are those that believe that this bombing was unethical and immoral. There are those that would argue that any bombing at the time of civilian areas or any other was not only moral but ethical (Garrett, 1994). Garrett, (1994) believes that it was an immoral act. He also believes our own bombing of the Japanese cities with the A-bomb during the same war was immoral and unethical. Was it? Why do we struggle with the ethical viewpoint in this type of case? Monte Cassino was a monastery in World War II.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Comparing two story( A small good thing & The girl with the pimply Essay

Comparing two story( A small good thing & The girl with the pimply face) - Essay Example The two doctors’ communication with their patients demonstrates how different the two doctors approach their jobs. The central tenet of Williams’ â€Å"The Girl with the Pimply Face† is that doctors are human and are subjected to human emotions. Carver approaches the topic from the other side by displaying the harmful effects of a doctor who is professional, but patronizing in â€Å"A Small, Good Thing†. The primary theme of Williams’ story is the sensitivity of the doctor toward a patient. Williams’ doctor is compassionate with his patients. He speaks with his patient’s family using informal everyday language. This shows the doctor’s humanity, his caring response to a family facing several problems. In this case, he has the desire to help, gives his work freely, and possesses a genuine interest in the family. The doctor does not criticise his patients when they are not able to pay. Even after promises of payment are not realized, the doctor continues to come back. The doctor returns after diagnosing the baby of the family with a bad heart. Even though he knows that the baby’s health will decline, with or without his help, the doctor tries to ease the family’s pain with his visits. The doctor also takes it upon himself to help his infant patient’s sister with her acne and the blemishes on her legs even though he was only responsible for the baby. Williams’ story emphasises the willingness of this doctor to step over professional boundaries and help the girl with advice and money even though she was not his patient. â€Å"The Girl with the Pimply Face† also shows that the doctor’s motives are not entirely unselfish. He is attracted to his patient’s sister. Although the doctor would never compromise his position by ever making inappropriate gestures towards the girl, but his attractions is a strong motive for his interest in the family. Even after finding out that the mother is a